Twice Loved

Twice Loved by Wanda E Brunstetter, tells the story of two lonely hearts that find happy contentment with one another after each has lost their mates by death. It's a quick read - a book chick flick, you might say. Twice Loved is set in 1945 after World War II (#ww2) has just ended and America is still trying to recover from the #greatdepression and the shortages brought on by the war. Bev's husband was killed in the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941 and Dan's wife had died, sadly,in 1943 with Leukemia. The story covers 3 months - Oct thru Dec. Bev struggles with situations beyond her control. Her boss made improper advances to ward her, which she refused, and then fired her, saying he needed to let one of the returning veterans have their bookkeeping job in the company back. She is raising her little girl alone, without even help from her parents, since they were killed in a car...