're wondering what brain injury feels like ?

When friends find out I've had a brain tumor removed, a common response is, "How did you know? Did you have terrible headaches?" No, I did not. What I had was a strong pulsing in one part of my head that made my work increasingly fatiguing and caused me to make a doctor's appointment. (I believe it was God knocking on my brain to get my attention) However, the doctor's appointment would have been useless if I had not had a serious car wreck and brain trauma seven years before because his initial response was " It's probably stress". It was a weekday morning. I had just taken my daughter to school three miles away and was coming back home, when a car, going way too fast, didn't make the curve and ran head on into my car. Because I had very serious trauma to my brain, several MRIs and other scans were run on my head during my hospital stay. A lesion (looking like a scratch, we were told) was seen on my brain, but the docto...