"Putting away Christmas" is always a challenge for me. I'm sad to return it all to it's storage where it will remain tucked away for the next 10 months. My 35 or so nativities are lovely out on the shelves as they depict such varying views. Thought you might enjoy viewing my nativity collection. I have several new ones this year that I still need to add, so check back in a few days and hopefully I'll have added the new ones. Sometimes this slide show moves slower than it should. Please be patient and it will continue...
Did I ever tell you about the day my mother stopped breathing?
A moment I shall never forget: when my mother stopped breathing. On August 9, 2012 , only moments after the doctor said she was well enough to go home from the hospital, I found myself standing in the corner of an emergency room in that same hospital with a medical team surrounding her bed. The team worked like a well running machine - attaching monitors, inserting an IV, drawing blood, - at least 10 of them working with speed and precision. As the team worked, I watched her eyes become fixed, unmoving; she did not respond to the nurse shouting in her ear, but seemed to be staring at something only she could see. In a matter of mere seconds, her skin turned a strange gray color as the shadow of death passed over her. Then I heard someone on the medical team say. She's not breathing....bag her! A team member placed a bag over her face and squeezed air - she began to breathe again. Then, she began to seizure. I watched, helpless, understanding how fragile life itself is; I knew in ...
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